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Workshop Female Tech Heroes – 21 mei – Eindhoven

  • geplaatst door Anne Spies in
  • Algemeen
  • 14-05-2019

Samen met Patricia Beks van TECH TO MARKET – This is how you present yourself (an interactive workshop, Dutch spoken). Whereas Anne Spies loves to speak, she also values the quality of silence. She’s a presentation coach who founded Spies&Spreken in 2006 and has since been working with people from all kinds of backgrounds. Tech to Market b2b marketeers have all been trained by Anne over the last years and love to share this amazing experience. Anne’s workshops are edgy, positive, intense and interactive. They fit like a glove as they are completely adjusted to the learner’s needs. Anne connects people with themselves and their hearing, creating awareness on voice, melody and posture. 

Our experience with Anne? She’ll leave you at the tip of the seat, wanting for more, and totally convinced to handle your speeches and presentations differently from now on.

Patricia Beks

Patricia Beks is a senior MarCom project manager, passionate about international marketing and innovation. She is specialised in Proposition Development, Customer Journey and Buyer Personas Analysis, and (Online) Campaign Management. Because of her international and local experience, closely cooperating with customers and sales, Patricia is able to bring true added value via marketing and communications. 

Recent Projects: MarCom Manager Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Senior Manager Marketing Communications & Digital at Philips Innovation Services

Female Tech Heroes –

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